Cyber security threats to corporations and government organisations are becoming more sophisticated and are occurring faster than ever before.

Symantec’s 2011 SMB Disaster Preparedness Survey showed that SMBs are increasingly fearful of online threats and data loss. The businesses polled experienced on average six outages during 2010, with the top reasons given including cyber attacks, power failures, and natural disasters.

Half of the businesses that had a disaster recovery plan in place had implemented their plan after an outage or data loss. 52% said their plan was less than six months old. With outages costing a company on average $50,000 for four days, it is undoubtedly an area all SMBs must look into.

Symantec Offers Ways to Reduce the Threat

The Symantec Cyber Threat Analysis Program eases cyber risk with a comprehensive approach to threat identification, intelligence gathering and validation to protect critical client information. The result is a highly customised solution that addresses the specific security requirements of customers. 

Symantec has also developed a Cyber Risk Calculator that helps determine the potential cost of operating a small business without computer and data protection. To access the risk calculator, click here.

Find Out More

For more information about cyber attacks and Cyber Risk Insurance, click here. Alternatively, contact Optimum Insurance Services directly on 1300 739 861.

“57% Of SMBs Have No Disaster Recovery Plan”, Kevin Casey, Information Week, January 11, 2011.

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