Claims First Response Guide,
Checklists & Online Claim Notification

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Fast, Efficient Claims Service & Advice

We believe that the true test of the value and integrity of the relationship with your insurance adviser is the provision of fast and efficient claims service and advice. It is important to us that all claims are settled quickly and fairly, so as to minimise any disruption to your business.

Whatever the claim type, to assist us in achieving this, you must make sure to notify your claim to us as soon as possible and gather all relevant information at the time of the incident (such as third party details and/or witness details).

Completing a claim form (if required) immediately, or as soon as practicable, and submitting the details, means your claim can be actioned quickly and efficiently, minimising the impact to you.


Notify A Claim Online

Provide details of your claim to us online or call us on 1300 739 861 and speak with our friendly and helpful advisers.

Terms of Use Privacy Statement.

Claims First Response FAQs

Types of Claims

Claims fall in to one of two categories, or a mixture of both:

  • Claims by you (e.g. Accidental loss or damage, burglary, glass breakage)
  • Claims against you (e.g. third party allegation of negligence)


What to Do

Both categories require that certain procedures be followed to ensure the process runs efficiently:

  • Record all details of the incident or loss.
  • Report claims promptly to your insurer or insurance broker and seek advice on what to do.
  • Complete claim forms and forward with applicable documentation (such as quotes for repair/replacement, photos of damage, proof of ownership, third party demands etc).


Remember to:

  • Minimise loss by taking precautions to secure premises or vehicle to prevent further damage.
  • Never admit liability as this is up to your insurers to accept or reject liability.
  • Communication is important and all documentation should be forwarded as quickly as possible after the incident.


Own Property Damage Claims

All losses should be reported as soon as possible to us and we will arrange for either a claim form to be sent or if required a Loss Adjusters to be appointed to take whatever action is required.


Theft and Money Claims

If the loss is due to Theft/Burglary or involves the loss of money, the Police should be contacted immediately and details kept of the officer and station notified. All losses should also be reported and the police report number advised to us as soon as possible.


Motor Vehicle – Own Damage Claims

  • All accidents involving your motor vehicle/s should be reported immediately to either our office or the nearest office of your Insurer.
  • The vehicle may be towed to the closest repairer capable of rectifying the damage.
  • The claim processing is expedited if a completed claim form can be left at the repairer’s premises before the visit by the Loss Adjuster.
  • If there are any delays in obtaining repair authorisation of necessary service, please contact us and we will secure action.
  • Your policy excess is normally paid by you to the repairer upon collection of the repaired vehicle.
  • If the damage is due to the negligence of an identifiable Third Party, your Insurer will normally endeavor to recover your excess.
  • Where a third party is involved, under no circumstances should any admission of liability be made.


Motor Vehicle – Personal Injury Claims

In cases where personal injury is involved, a separate claim form must be submitted to the Motor Accident Compensation Insurer. Appropriate claim forms will be supplied upon request. No further actions direct with any third parties should be undertaken without instruction from Insurers. A copy of the claim form should be lodged with this office for record purposes.


Liability – Public and Products (Broadform) Claims

In general terms, no admission of liability should be made to any party in any form whatsoever. All correspondence, writs, summonses and demands should be sent to this office immediately upon receipt.


Professional Risks – Claims Made Policies Claims

The following policies are generally issued on a ‘claims made contract’ and include:

  • Professional Indemnity Insurance
  • Directors & Officers Liability Insurance
  • Employment Practices Liability Insurance
  • Fidelity Insurance

This means that the policy will respond to claims first made against you and reported to the insurer during the period of insurance, specified in the policy schedule. You should notify in writing any circumstances that you become aware of during the period of insurance, which could give rise to a future or potential claim, as soon as practical, within the period of insurance.

Insurance Claims Blogs

Claim Checklists

Use our handy checklists when collecting data for your claim, so your claim can be processed and resolved swiftly.

Claim Forms

If required by your insurer, complete immediately, or as soon as practicable to ensure fast, efficient handling of your claim.


Optimum Insurance Services Pty Ltd is a Corporate Authorised Representative (No. 291220) of Insurance Advisernet Australia Pty Ltd (AFSL No. 240549).

© Optimum Insurance Services Pty Ltd 2006 - 2025

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